Tag Archives: november garden photos

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2009

Happy Bloom Day!

The theme of this post is “Here Comes the Sun!” After five straight days of rain and wind, and the only tropical storm this season, and some houseguests from Idaho looking for warmth, the sun has FINALLY come out to play.

Because my garden ends up with some of the same plants blooming for, oh, about nine months, I’ve decided that my bloom day posts will highlight only the most noteworthy that are still blooming since last month (they’ve had a color change or something), a new combo I’ve noticed with new eyes, or things that have just come into bloom over the last month. Enjoy!



Sasanqua Camellia




Swamp Hibiscus


Loropetalum and Panicum ‘Dallas Blue’-nice combo


Luke, my Nephew.  I found him in the garden this morning!


There you have it!  If only it was as easy as going out to the cabbage patch to pick my own sweet baby!  (I’m NOT pregnant.  Let’s not start any rumors!  😉

A big thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for concocting and hosting Garden Bloggers Bloom day.  Now, make sure you visit her site and take the big Bloom Day Garden Tour!

Thanks for visiting!


Filed under Garden